Exercise 1:
Opening a document
Show and hide the ribbon
Move, show, and hide options of Quick Access toolbar
Exercise 2:
Create a templates
Edit a templates
Backstage view option save, save as, and Export
Basic Exercise 1:
1. Open the Word document and create a blank
2. Use the ribbon option to show the tabs
3. Add tools to the Quick Access
4. Move the Quick Access Toolbar above
or below the ribbon.
5. Hide and unhide the Quick Access
Basic Exercise 2:
1. Search for a template for a simple
2. Select any one of the resumes.
3. Edit it with your data.
4. Go to the Backstage view to save the
file. Change the file name to your name followed by “Resume” (e.g., BanuResume).
Note where you save your file on your computer (file location).
5. Close the file.
6. Reopen Word.
7. Go to “Open” to open your saved
resume file.
8. Go to the Backstage view to change
the file type to PDF. Use “Export” or “Save As” and save this file in the same
location where you saved your existing Word resume file.
9. Close Word.
video reference: